Thank you for your interest in American Snuff Company, LLC.
Job Applicants
To learn more about what it’s like to work for an affiliate of Reynolds American Inc., and to view current opportunities at American Snuff Co., visit To check the status of a current application, please log in with the details used to establish your account.
Media Relations Information
If you are a professional journalist who needs information about American Snuff Co., please contact:
Chris Zona
If you are a retailer with questions, please call 1-800-974-2227.
Please refer to Our Suppliers section of our website.
Adult Tobacco Consumers
For questions related to our tobacco products, offers or mailing lists, please call 1-866-843-0636. Because American Snuff Co.’s products and brand communications are intended for adult tobacco consumers only, it is our firm policy not to respond to questions from minors or students.
Product Placement Requests
It has been our long-standing policy and practice to: provide no permission or promotional materials for; make no payments for; or do anything else to facilitate the placement/appearance of tobacco products or tobacco advertising in films, on television, in books or through other media.
Unsolicited Ideas
Although American Snuff Company appreciates people’s interest in its business, it is our policy to decline consideration of unsolicited ideas and suggestions offered or submitted by the general public. This is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings over the origin of particular ideas. American Snuff Company is constantly generating new ideas, many of which cannot be used until years after they were first conceived. Accordingly, American Snuff Company does not accept unsolicited ideas for consideration, and asks you not to submit ideas for products, advertising, etc.